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Faith Lutheran Church welcomes you as a member of God's family. These ministries are for our mutual enrichment. 


The ministries of Faith are all rooted in the Christian tradition of Sunday morning worship and Bible study. 


Worship 9:00 am​ - Join us to receive a foretaste of the heavenly feast to come with praise music and hymns, Bible preaching, and the Lord's Supper.


Bible Study 10:30 am - Together, let's study what God has to say for our lives today.



The mission of the church is to be transformational in its neighborhood. East Whittier is a majority Hispanic community filled with working families whom we meet in their every day lives in multiple ways through food distribution as well as prayer ministry and one on one ministries of compassion and mercy. If you would like to make a donation to this part of Faith's ministry, please CLICK HERE. Thank you!

CARE MinistrIES 

BAPTISM: Infants, youth, adults - everyone is welcome to receive the gift of life by the administration of the waters of baptism. We baptize at our church or on the beach. It's up to you!

CONFIRMATION: When a person is confirmed, They're saying, "Yes I believe what your church teaches." Here at Faith we teach that a real, living relationship with Jesus Christ is essential for a person to not just survive but to thrive in this world. Please see the pastor for information on how you and your family can be confirmed in this faith.

MARRIAGE: Our pastor marries people who are involved in the ministry of Faith after a preparatory period involving engagement and premarital counseling. 

FUNERAL: Please contact us for more information about how we might minister to you and those whom you love in the midst of your loss. 

Ministries & FELLOWSHIP

LUTHERAN BRAILLE WORKERS: Every Wednesday morning LBW gathers to serve the blind community by creating, binding, and shipping the Bible in braille. This is a invaluable service. Please join us and make a difference! 

TUESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY: Every Tuesday evening a group comes together to fellowship and dig into God's Word. Please call the church administrator for more information. 

MEN'S BREAKFAST: On the 1st Saturday of every month the men of Faith and other churches in the community get together for fellowship, good eats and bible teachings. Join us! Please contact the church administrator or pastor for the next location and time. 

LUTHERAN WOMEN'S MISSIONARY LEAGUE is an international organization with a heart for service, fellowship, and mutual edification. We meet for quilting on the 1st Thursday and for Bible study on the 3rd Thursday. The church administrator can give you more information about the time and place. 

SENIOR DINNER: On the 1st Tuesday of every month 20-30 seniors from Faith and other congregations gather for fellowship and a meal at a local restaurant. Please come! There's always room for one more!

Seasonal Worship Services 

PREPARING FOR CHRISTMAS: Join us as we prepare our hearts for the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus! 

  • Advent: Wednesday 6:00-8:00 PM (incl. dinner at 6:00PM) 

  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 7:00PM 

PREPARING FOR EASTER: Our Savior's resurrection from the dead changed the world. Let's begin our meditation on this great miracle on Ash Wednesday until we proclaim on Easter Sunday. "Alleluia, Christ is risen"! 

  • Ash Wednesday 7:00PM 

  • Lent - Wednesdays 7:00PM

  • Maundy Thursday 7:00PM

  • Good Friday 7:00PM

  • Easter 9:00AM

Special Events 

LIVING NATIVITY: Our yearly Living Nativity begins the week before Christmas, bringing the Christmas story alive for our neighbors. 

TOY DRIVE: A special ministry during Christmas time for families in our community.

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